Sarah Rice celebrated her 16th birthday this past Saturday at kai – the medical spa. Sarah and her 8 friends were so much fun! Her mom had seen the kai article about the teen spa diva party in the Points North magazine this past spring and when it was time to plan her birthday party, they called kai. They both received a tour of the spa and selected the services that they wanted to receive. They chose to get facials, massages, manicures and mineral make-up lessons. They had the whole spa to themselves and danced to their favorite tunes from their ipod. Here are their comments from the spa journal entries:
“This spa experience was amazing! It was a great choice to have my party at this spa!! It was definitely the party from heaven! All my friends had the times of their lives…and so did I!! The people that work here made me feel so special and they made it so easy to do this party!! I don’t think I could have asked for a better party! I wanna thank everyone at kai medspa for making my party the perfect and fun party event! I had the best time ever! I will definitely be back again!! Thank you!” – Sarah Rice
“Sarah Rice’s party was awesome! We all had such an amazing time! We both will definitely be coming here for a girls’ day out! All of you guys are sooo nice! This was by far the best birthday we have both been to! We love you guys!” – Always, Lindsey Allen and Ali Stolte (peace sign)
“THANK YOU! : ) Sarah Rice’s birthday party was so awesome. Thank you so much for all that you have done to make her 16th b-day party so special. It was seriously the best day ever! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU HAVE DONE. (I’ll be coming back soon)” – Alana Rose

“Thanks so much for doing this! This party rocked…best sweet 16 EVER!!! You guys are all so nice, and did everything to help us relax! I love this place and I will definitely be coming back! THANKS AGAIN!” – Caroline : )
“Your spa is so AMAZING! It is so nice and it was so much fun! I had a blast and I am definitely coming back! I felt like a princess! Thank you so much : ) ” – Hannah D
“Thank you SO MUCH!! This was such a great experience! I’ll never forget it! Sarah definitely had the bestest BEST SWEET 16 EVER!! Your spa is so relaxing and I am so lucky to come and relax with my friends : ) I had so much fun! Thank you! Everyone is really sweet! Thanks again! p.s. I’ll be back!!” – Love, Shannon Desmond
“KAI MED SPA, Thanks so much for everything – it was amazing! The ladies who work here are so sweet and met our every need! I recommend anybody to come here!” – Brittany Espy
“Wow, this was SO much fun! The staff was amazing and so nice! The facial was the coolest thing ever! I will never forget this day! Thank you! I can’t wait to come back soon!” – Lauren Foley

“This place was AWESOME! SO much fun and so much to do. For ALL my other friends, we just went out to dinner and what not, but this spa experience was fantastic. Whoo! Thanks! p.s. We will be back!” – Allie S. and Lindsey A. (again)
Thank you so much to the Rice family for choosing kai for your daughter’s very special 16th birthday! If we could all be 16 again… Every year is so precious…Please enjoy each year and make the most of it girls! It was a joy to meet all of you and share this experience with you! –Grace Choung